I had a bad experience with my dentist. He's actually a public dentist and his service was free of charge. And because it's free, who am i to refuse the service that he offered. My pre-molar was in a bad condition. I suffered a lot from pain and my only way to ease it is to take pain relievers. The pain keeps on reoccurring so a friend advised me to consult a specialist or a dentist. It was a great timing that our school is celebrating its foundation day and as a part of this yearly event, they hired dentists and medical practitioners to offer a free dental and medical check ups. I have no choice but to accept it because i cannot take the pain anymore. So the operation was done and after two days i begun experiencing some sort of changes. My teeth became more sensitive from cold and hot drinks. I feel strange whenever i eat sweets like candies and chocolates. I don't know if this was an outcome of the dental operation done to me but one thing for sure, my dental condition changed after the operation. Sad to say, i failed to find that dentist i don't even know where to start knowing the fact that im not the one who hired them and they were just a part of the event. As a result, i had to contact another dentist to check my condition.In the end, i realized that in choosing a dentist i have to ensure my self that i know the person im dealing with so in case of any problem i can contact them anytime. Or i can set up an individual dental plan for my self. Just like my friend. Have you heard about Ameriplan. Are you familiar with this Heath care? I have heard so many good things about Ameriplan and their great packages and discounts.
So what does Ameriplan has to offer? They offer great discount packages that will suits your needs. Aside from Dental services and discounts their new pricing plan is very competitive which may include prescription, vision and chiropractic benefits. With the use of this individual dental plan, i am ensured and comfortable that im in good hands.
Labels: dental care, health, medical care